Sunday, April 20, 2014

Monday, April 20, 1936

Plesant day all day
Took the leaves used as banking from the north wall of house and from around the dog house
worked in yard most of day-
Elnora Evans called this eve selling Girl Scout cookies*-
Aunty rec'd a letter from Clara
Mother has been good all day-

Box of Girl Scout cookies c. 1940

*You have now idea how excited I am that Irene has mentioned a girl in the neighborhood selling Girl Scout Cookies. My sister & I sold them for years. I helped my daughter sell them when she was a Brownie Scout. Now a bit of history from the Girl Scout website: Basically, Girls Scouts had been selling cookies to raise money for years, but in 1934 the council in Philadelphia started selling commercially made cookies. New York followed suit in 1935 & used the trefoil symbol. In 1936 (the year of Irene's diary), national got involved, & by 1937 125 councils were on board.


  1. This is a fun memory jogger for me too. I have sold and bought the cookies. One time the girls didn't make it to our door, So, my sister and I searched the town to find a sweet little seller and bought 4 boxes off her. {my metabolism was higher then LOL}

    1. I know what you mean. Not only am I getting to know the great-grandmother I never knew, but it is helping me remember. I am also connecting with other people, ones I know & ones like you who read & comment. Thank you for sharing & making this a truly social experience!


Thanks for visiting this flashback to 1936. I'm sure Irene would be pleased! We'd love to hear from you.

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